
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

On Wednesday, 30th December 2015, Hazrat Hakeem Sahib had travelled to perform Umrah with his family, elder sister and mother in law and his three sons and daughter.


Engagement in Makkah Mukarramah:

Had sitting with Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Makki Hijazi Khateeb of Haram Makkah. The religious scholars and muftis from India also visited him. These were inclusive; Mufti Muhammad Roshan Shah Qasmi from Dar ul Uloom Sonori Division Murtazapur, District Akula Maharashtra, Mufti Abdul Majeed Qasmi from Tahir Nagar, Nagpur Road, Evat Mahal, Maharashtra, Mr. Anas Ahmed from Madarsah Kifayat ul Uloom Bhasawal, District Jilgaon Khandesh, Maharashtra, Hafiz Naveed Khan from Roshni Dar ul Uloom Sonori, Akola, Maharashtra, Maulana Abbas Khan Ashrafi, Master Ishtiaq Ahmed Daee, haji Syed Ibraheem alias Mir Sb, Qari Mujahid, Haji Muhammad Sabir Imraouti. Apart from this, people from different parts life visited Hakeem Sahib in Makaram Ajiad Hotel in Makkah Mukarramah. However, Hakeem Sahib try to avert spending time in meetings during this holy journey and try to spend maximum time in Haram. After performing Umrah, he went to Medan Arafat, Mina, Muzdalfa, Cave of Hira and Cave of Thur with his children. While returning he went to Makkah Museum and the place of Hudaibiya Treaty, then walkd up to get to the Zubaidah Canal, then prayed with almighty Allah for generosity for him, his children, his associates and the whole ummah by saking the generosity of Zubaidah. Mr. Mansoor Rafique, who is benefitted by Tasbeeh Khana and runs a taxi in Makkah Mukarramah brought Hakeem Sahib to these places. Mr. Imran, who is sincere with Hakeem Sb and has been benefited and hailed by Tasbeeh Khana had presented a large piece of cover of Bait Ullah.


In Medina Munawwarah, Hakeem Sahib visited famous elderly Mr. Abdul Mannan and Mr. Muhammad Zaki along with Mr. Saleem Shahzada and requested them for pray. Hakeem Sahib also visited Maulana Abdul Qadir. Maulana Abdul Qadir is the successor and fellow of various senior scholars and he has also granted his special permission and his successor ship to Hakeem Sahib. Hakeem Sahib went to Uhad Mountain and then visited a personally managed museum.


In Medina, There is a library named Syed Habib Library. It is situated in a graceful building. This contains a huge volume of as many as twenty five thousand written and printed books. Syed Habib was the son of Syed Mehmood Ahmed who was the real brother of Syed Hussain Ahmed Madani رحمتہ اللہ ءلیہ. Syed Habib was fond of reading books and library. He was died at 85 in 1423 hijri. Syed Habib owned various properties in Medina. He had three sons Muhammad, Ahmed and Adnan. Syed Ahmed Habib is keen of library.


After that went to visit the castle of Kaab bin Ashraf. The children of Hakeem Sahib started to speak out the story of this cursed man Kaab bib Ashraf, as they already studied in their school. During this whole journey, they were accompanied by another benefitted from Ubqari Mr. Muazzam Baig.


Hakeem Sahib had a short stay in Jeddah. He had brief stay with Mr. Khalid Thanvi and Hafiz Abdul Aziz. Mr. Jamal Siddiqui offered his services for returning back to airport. Then Hakeem Sb دامت برکاتہم put all associates together and described the characteristics of Arabs in detail. Some of the qualities described were inclusive as:

  1. Arab prefer three things i.e. fragrance, ablution and white dress which are sunnah.
  2. Offices and shops are closed during salat times.
  3. Recently, the whole world witnessed that Shah Suleman left the meeting with President Obama during his visit of USA for offering salat. This shows their love with Salat Fardh.
  4. We can see the miswak in the pocket of Shaha Suleman which is also a sunnah.
  5. The people pay respect and show solidarity with their king.
  6. Many people visit Saudi Arabia from different parts of the world and buy at least Abaya and promote the veil and cover as mandatory for Muslim women.
  7. The great act of education since the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is still carried out in Harmain Sharifain.            (To be continued)


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